

The thought that went through my mind when Joy mentioned the electric bread
knife was,
There goes the AFO brace, because I'd be certain to drop the knife when it
was running.
Knowing me, I get tangled in the cord , get scared and try to get away from it,
and it would end up chasing me thorough the house!!!!

The UPS man came yesterday with a package . I had ordered some more shelves for
my Bradford Exchange Plate collection.  He's such a nice young man and took
the time to
open the package for me. He also gave me a good suggestion.  He said that
when your
hands don't work too well, that you have to brace the package you are
trying to open,
in other words, wedge it someplace where it can't move on you.  I tried
that later on
a new box of cereal and he was right.  I wedged the box between myself and
the kitchen
cabinet, not hard enough to crush the box, but with enough pressure to hold
it, and that
left both my hands free to open the package.  AMAZING!!!!

I stood there wondering why I hadn't thought of that before!!!!

just me,