

Hi All,
Search PubMed re: aspartame
653 hits  -  many with browsable abstracts....

(I didn't look at 'em all, but the ones I looked at seemed to say
aspastame is not a problem for Parkinson's; Diabetes; MS; Lupus; etc.)

Two observations from personal experiences...
Christie (daughter) was home for a few months and brought quantities
of Dr. Pepper, Diet Coke, and Diet Pepsi into the fridge.

1.) Diet sodas don't allow my Parkinson's medications to work as well as
normal.  People on meds should watch what they eat and drink.

2.) There appears to me to be a difference in attitude and mood to drinking
diet sodas every day and not consuming any.... It ain't pretty.  Diet sodas
may contribute to moodiness and belligerence....

regards ...... murray
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