

Here in Melbourne.Australia our group of Y.P are suffering a crisis
regarding our  future needs regarding accommodation and care in the
foreseeable future.,and I am  seeking comments whether this is a common
problem throughout the world,and what steps have been taken to solve
this problem.
Basically our group of Y.P.has reached the 10 year plus diagnoses of
P.D. and are all under 60 years of age.Through divorce,separation,or
just being single many of us have found that we have very limited
avenues open  to obtain suitable accommodation and care.The only real
alternative offered by the Govt is Nursing Home accommodation where most
of the occupants are very old ,suffering dementia and are waiting to
die.Not a nice place for active Y.P.
The alternative is private care in retirement homes,hostels or units but
they do not provide full time care,and after the ravages of divorce
settlements many Y.P.have limited funds for the future.
I might also add that after 10 + years of P.D. living on your own is a
lonely and depressive existence.
What we have decided to do is to try an build an purpose built
multi -level care accommodation facility for P.D,sufferors and as a
first step have commissioned an award winning film maker to produce a
high quality documentary.This documentary will be used  to raise public
awareness of our problem,and to attract financial support for the

Although we know it will be a long road we have come a long way since we
had our first meeting 12 month's ago.We have raised the money for the
documentary,and have appointed the building dept. of R.M.I.T. University
to prepare  plans for the proposed building.We envisage a mixture of in
independent units,hostel and a nursing home.
We would appreciate feedback as to whether this is a common problem
throughout the world,and if any Y.P.groups have attempted ,either
successfully or unsuccessfully to build a purpose built facility for
parkinson sufferors.
Chris,Robie. 52/12