

Thank you thank you.  What a wonderful exchange you started.  Especially
liked the idea of positive PD Place advanced by Gerrit.

Even Scott Peck's now famous saying about life being difficult means
different things to different people.

A friend quoted the following to me years ago (I know not the source):

"Life is not a problem to be solved, but an adventure to be lived."

The way I look at it, living with PD is a bit like venturing into the
Himalayas while most of our brothers and sisters travel less rugged
slopes.  We can grumble about the steepness and hazards of our climb,
preoccupied with the expense of our climbing gear and the physical
exhaustion we experience step by step, ever more fearful as the slopes
turn into shear walls of granite, or we can live in the moment and focus
on appreciating the spectacular beauty found only in such imposing
terrain.  No one can take this choice from us.
