

Sure, it is obvious the reaction times will be slower, but read deeper into
the experiment design and you will see they are looking at what else is
going on to slow things down.

I don't belittle any experimentation as long as it is ethical and moral.
Some of the greatest discoveries in medicine have been by accident. A great
case is point is penicillin. The more doctors and scientists learn about how
the brain is wired and communicates information, the closer we are to find a
cure to correct or prevent this miswiring or communication.

The most simple experiments are usually the best in terms of being able to
isolate cause and effect.

> ----------
> From:         Greg Sterling[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent:         Monday, July 24, 2000 7:42 AM
> Subject:      Re: A new PD study!
> Murray,
> Sounds like a waste of money to me.  I'll bet the results show a marked
> decrease in both physical and mental reaction times.  DUH.  What rocket
> scientist proposed this gem?  It almost makes me want to call then myself.
> They ought to donate the funds to the hungry or something.
> Sorry if I don't share your enthusiasm.
> Greg
> 47/35/35