

Hi Marjorie-- this was really interesting--amazing how many things are
being done now all around the world to make life easier for PWPs and CGs.
Thanks to Hein for his efforts, and to you for sharing them!

>The other night before going to bed, I sent 3 messages,
>in their entirety ,to my dear friend in the NL. I asked his opinion,
>and asked him to read the German site, since he is fluent in
>Dutch, German, and English, and I believe, is passable in a couple
>of other languages too!
>He is a fellow "Parkie", with whom I have been friends with
>for over 5 years now. The only problem we have ,is he is 7 hours
>ahead of me in time, and several light years ahead of me in
>research skills.
>Please read what Hein Ten Bosch has to say about housing
>for Parkies.

        Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH

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                " .....maybe there is more to healing than the cure."

                                .......Beth Gualtieri Goff