

>Thank you, from Linda. I am sad to say but right now my family is not ready
>to even talk about what is happening to our lives, hopefully soon they will
>understand. Linda

Dear Linda--- I wonder who it covers when you say "family"?  Do you have
children who are nearby? At a distance?  I am not the only CG who finds it
help to bring family members "into the loop" in any way you can, just
letting them know what's going on.  They may not respond at once, but it
helps tham get over their natural denial and be more realistic.
I started last year sending a monthly letter --"Peter's Parkinson Report
and family newsletter"to our relatives who live in other states as well as
to our 2 daughters who are nearby.  I've noticed that we get more long
distance calls and emails from the distant ones now.
PD, with all its implications, can be pretty scary, and denial is a very
common reaction for PWPs and family alike.  It sounds like you are the main
connection to reality for a lot of folks--not easy! Whatever you can do to
help them understand, in as non-threatening a way as possible, will help.
Hang in there!

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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