

>Author Betty Friedan writes:
>"It is time we start searching for the fountain of age, time that
>we stop denying our growing older and look at the actuality of our own
>experience, and that of other women and men who have gone beyond denial to
>a new place in their sixties, seventies, eighties. It is time to look at
>age on its own terms, and put names on its values and strengths as they are
>actually experienced, breaking through the definition of age solely as
>deterioration or decline from youth. Only then will we see that the problem
>is not age itself, to be denied or warded off as long as possible, that the
>problem is not those increasing numbers of people living beyond sixty-five,
>to be segregated from the useful, valuable, pleasurable activities of
>society so that the rest of us can keep our illusion of staying forever
>young. Nor is the basic political problem the burden on society of those
>forced into deterioration, second childhood, even senility. The problem is
>not how we can stay young forever, personally--or avoid facing society's
>problems politically by shifting them onto age. The problem is, first of
>all, how to break through the cocoon of our illusory youth and risk a new
>stage in life, where there are not prescribed role models to follow, no
>guidepost, no rigid rules or visible rewards, to step out into the true
>existential unknown of these new years of life now open to us, and to find
>our own terms for living it."

Betty Friedan's "The Fountain of Age."

janet paterson
53 now / 41 dx pd / 37 onset pd / 44 dx cd / 43 onset cd
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