

David Meigs, keep pushing about the choking. George went thru better
than a yr
of choking, gagging and an awful cough.
This was just prior to his PD diagnosis.
Our former MD keept saying reflux, then hiatle hernia(sp). He sent him
to a local surgeon saying he needed surgery. We
had lots of misgivings about the accuracy
of this diagnosis. Finally we bit the bullet and went to our digestive
desease dr in Tacoma. He ran a gastric scope, then a 24hr nasal tube and
moniter. There was no acid reflux, no hernia. He sent us to a pulmonary
specialist. Wa La! George was found to be taking a blood pressure med
causing the cough and had a lung breathing test showing decreased lung
activity. Put him on 2 inhalers. within 2wks the problem of choking,
not being able to breath all but dissappeared.. We did elevate the head
of his bed by several inches.All of these
things lead to much relief for George.
I have been so detailed so you will
understand that you know your body better than anyone else. If you truly
have acid reflux, you should be experiencing some heartburn, some
acidity at the back of your throat. I do have acid reflux. Raising the
head of my bed and taking Prilosec eliminated the problem.Though
everyone is different You will have to keep
asking questions until you get help and relief.
As for whether the choking is PD related
everything we have researched says yes.
Because as someone else said the esophogus, and all muscles to do with
swallowing and digestion are weakened
by PD.
Hope this long reply helps to encourage
you to keep on pushing til you are satisfied. Hopefully with some
Do ask Dr Ballard about this.
Hugs, Juanita CG for George 74/71/64