

No sorries:)
I will only speak for myself. Last I read medicine doesn't mix with beer
or wine. not even Domperidone (sp?).
Sounds like ur friend was an alcoholic and depressed. Hope u didn't tell
him just to go pull himself up by the bootstraps and garden. I hope u
helped him to seek professional help.

Knowledge is power, and fear and ignorance go hand in hand. Just a
thought here:)

Have a nice day!


"Marjorie L. Moorefield" wrote:
> I'm sorry, I'm not in anyway trying to minimize depression,
> but I'm wondering how many of these people are washing
> down their pills with wine or beer?
> I have a friend, who at one time got so depressed, and then
> we found out he was using a beer chaser for the liquid to
> take the anti-depressants.
> When suicide reaches epidemic proportions, then something
> is terribly wrong.
> just me,
> Marjorie
> 67/58/55