

----- Original Message -----
From: " Marjorie L. Moorefield" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 6:23 PM
Subject: Non PD: Suicide

> I'm sorry, I'm not in anyway trying to minimize depression,
> but I'm wondering how many of these people are washing
> down their pills with wine or beer?
This really bothers me not because it is anything really new, but that I
read nothing about
counseling for family issues or personal ones. It isnt enough to battle
cd or even shorter term depression in most cases without considering the
need to have some professional help. It is
bad enough to know you are depressed and yet impossible to treat oneself
or cure by sheer
will power. I would like to throw this out for all of us to think about
in case some of us
might think pills are the total answer to depression.

* seattle* Audrey
friend of pwp aussie John  49/42/38??