


I rely on "Swifty," a blue metallic walker with 4 wheels, a seat with basket
underneath, hand brakes and locks--and personality!  It's different enough
that people aren't uncomfortable commenting on it.  Remember, what you gain
in ease of movement, you sacrifice in stability.  That is, the wheeled
walkers tend to move n their own unless the parking brakes are on (and then
they can still be shoved).I wouldn't try getting up from sitting in one
without locking the brakes or it wull scoot out from behind.   Mine fits in
trunk or back seat. Good advice to try out at home if possible.  Mine was
$205 of which my insurance paid half (had to get the dr. to insist it had
brakes).  Don't know the brand; bought it at the local med supply store.
Hope this helps.

 Kathy Kunz