

Camilla wrote:

>"Dear David-- what you say re: memory is really strange-- I hope you can
>some clue about it from the neuro. It must be distressing. Usually it is
>the short term memory that goes first, giving us those "Senior Moments"--
>does that make any sense? "

My short term memory became a problem several years ago, around 37.  For the
last few years I have had to keep a pad of paper with me at all times.  By
senior moments I think you mean things like: "Who am I? & What was I doing?
& Where am I going to?"  Oh boy have I ever had some "senior moments".  I am
pretty laid back so I have never got to upset by any of that.  I just
figured that it made me kind of "flaky" & therefore kind of cute in a
pathetic sort of way.  (My wife just rolls her eyes, and shakes her head)

I salute you Camilla for the work you have done.  I'd love to swap stories
with you sometime (if I could recall any).

Take care,

David Meigs  aka: Pappy
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