

                        A PRAYER FOR BILLY

I see a blue sky over my head
Fluffy white clouds floating across it
And in my mind, I hear a little boy's voice asking,
"Daddy, can you see the clown?"
As tears well, and my heart gets so full with missing you,
I wonder where you are at this moment,
And if you can see the same sky I do.
I know the pain in my heart
Matches the pain in yours.
But I have the advantage of knowing
Just how much I love you,
While you are left with an empty space
Where I used to be.
And I can't fill that void for you
Because I couldn't stay there any longer
And I couldn't bring you with me.
As much as I value my new found freedom
The price is still so high.
I whisper a prayer, and send it with the wind,
Hoping it touches your soul.
"Your father loves you Bill"
And I pray we find peace.

Copyright 2000    bob armentrout
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