

Dear David-- what you say re: memory is really strange-- I hope you can get
some clue about it from the neuro. It must be distressing. Usually it is
the short term memory that goes first, giving us those "Senior Moments"--
does that make any sense?  In Peter's case, memory problems were a great
trial for him as a reference librarian, long before he dxd himself with PD.

I, too worked always for private agencies, and they charged on a sliding
scale according to income--from zero on up, & recently many clients were
covered by insurance.  We're talking a LOOOONG time ago, of course, as I
was in grad school in 1945 and retired in 1984.  . Child Guidance Clinic,
Family Service,  a home for adolescent girls, and the Youth Bureau in
Cleveland, an agency which counseled ONLY adolescents and their families..
I always loved them--such a challenge and offering hope of making changes
before it was "too late".  (I'm appalled these days at how many of these
troubled  kids are acting out violently, and getting handled as adults in
the justice system. )  I expect if we got together we could swap some tales
about those "troubled teens"   :-)

>Camilla, (and others)
>I had a feeling you were in the field.  I was very fortunate to have only
>worked for not profit organizations, that never charged for their services.
>As director in my area my one on one time was limited.  My focus was
>troubled teens, and their families.
>I resigned a few months ago, and am sad to have to do so.  My mind has grown
>cluttered, and I have lost most of my memories.  I Have only one or two
>memories of all those years.  It is so strange.  I remember the people, and
>love them all.  I just don't remember even one single day with any of them.
>I remember what I did, and who I did it with, I just don't have even one
>memories of actually doing it.  Isn't that bizarre?
>David Meigs  aka: Pappy
>[log in to unmask]

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

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