

Thank you Dr. Bob,

You told me more than my doctor friend did.  I hope you were not thinking
that I was in any way advocating leaches.  Your info about maggots triggered
a vague memory re: leaches and there use to reduce fever.  My friend used
the example to explain somthing to me about the immune system & fever.

You commented on magnets, but I won't weigh in on that.  I have too much
respect for you, and I think Marjorie is one of the most helpful,
compassionate & intelligent of my new cyber friends.

Someday I'd like to ask you about Radio waves used for medical purposes.  I
am always interested in a Doctors perspective.  I know someone that works at
the University of Washington Medical School that is doing research.  He
thinks that it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  He has also said
that most of the "old school" docs think it is a joke.

David Meigs  aka: Pappy
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