

Barb, Audrey, and all,

Audrey you described somthing that is quite normal.  I think you are right,
stress does seem to facilitate those kind of "spacing out" episodes.  I
think that is why I was never really alarmed as my short term memory got
worse.  But my long term memory loss is quite another matter.  For the life
of me, I could not tell you what happened last Christmas for instance.
Every once and I while, a memory comes back for a few seconds.

Nancy suggested to me that I should write them down, as they do come back.
For some unexplainable reason one will appear out of nowhere.  30 minutes
later I'll even forget what it was I remembered.

No ones memory is 100% accurate.  Two siblings will share an event, and 40
years later each may have a very different recollection of the event.  The
things we go through in life shapes our perspective of things.  One person
may see an event as doom, and another may see it as an opportunity.

I have a friend who had a head injury.  She can only remember the events of
that day.  When she wakes up in the morning, she starts with all over again.
She says that it is actually a blessing.  The people she used to hate, or
got on her nerves also start with a clean slate every day.  The bottom line
is that she likes everyone.  If someone does somthing that offends her
today, tomorrow she won't remember the event, and view that person as being
with out any faults.

The best blessing I have by forgetting my past is kind of like that of my
friend.  If I have any skeletons in my closet, I wouldn't know it.  I am
sure I have done terrible things in my life that probably kept me awake at
night.  Now because of the "Memory loss benefit", what I don't know can't
hurt me.

David Meigs  aka: Pappy
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