

Marjorie - I agree with you about the magnet business.  Dr. Fink is
excellent in most of what he says, but he is a true doctor who was taught
in medical school that NOTHING works for ANYONE unless it
is handled by a doctor. Remember how doctors thought chiropractors were
quacks?  Believe it or not, my doctor referred me
to one just last week.  Who can determine at this early time whether
magnets (when I first read this,. I thought it was maggots, and I said,
"Whoa there") work or not.  I remember when - if you had an injury- you
put heat on everything.  Now it's recommended you put ice on
everything  .I worked in doctor's offices and hospitals for 26 years
before I chose real estate as my new career 27 years ago.Things change.
You and I do,  real estate does and the medical field does,
So I say, do what is best for you.  If it works don't change it. Jo Ann
from Houston