

magnetic therapy
amway go for this in a huge way
i find it strange
for me it would have to be why/how do these magnets work on this
physiological problem
there surely must be some physiological reason that has an explanation
not to say that if it gives one relief then go for it

>From: "Marjorie L. Moorefield" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Parkinson's Information Exchange Network
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: The Test
>Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 19:22:40 -0400
>Bob, you said,
>  The true test of a medical theory is "science", not "belief".
>To me the true test of medical theory is "does it give the patient
>I have a $12 tens pack I can't wear, and $30 worth of magnets
>I can and do wear, and they work, at least for me!!!
>Why would anyone want to deny the relief of pain to anyone
>just because you can't believe in Magnetic Therapy?
>It certainly can't hurt me!!!

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