

Jane, just a few words on this subject.
A nursing home resident does NOT give up their right to vote.Residents
are in nursing homes for many reasons. Not all of which are mental
incompetance. As far
as I know it takes 2 drs to deem someone
incompatant(sp) At least that is what I was told by lawyers and drs when
my Dad was ,as I was concerned,to far gone to
make major health and financial decisions. Fortunately we had durable
power of attorney.
Now I will ask why you ask about nursing home residents voting rights?.
While I worked in nursing facilitiesn non alzheimers, patients were
given the absente ballots and assisted with signing them.They then wre
mailed for them.
Just my wee experiences with nursing homes and voting!
Juanita CG for George 74/71/64.