

David, with DR Ballard, I'm pretty sure it will. Especially if you're
going in with all medical records in his hands. He will come out to call
you in himself. looking over your file as he is comimg to call you in.
He will do a physical assessement, ask you questions, talk about meds or
lack of same. He also will listen to your questions
The visit goes very rapidly, however we have never felt that we were
rushed in or out.Just go prepared with a list of the concerns you have.
Hope you have kept some type of journal. That would help
Dr understand better what your expeiences have been.
Heres wishing you a safe trip to Seattle.
Good luck. Sure hope you are as satisfied
with the Dr as we have been. Please keep us posted as to your visit and
Hugs to both of you. Juanita CG for George 74/71/64