

>>> Linda J Herman wrote:  Michael J. Fox. . .  is to tell his story for
Hyperion,. . . signed him up for a reported $4 million for a book about
his illness and his efforts to live with it. The auction deal. . . calls
for the actor to donate the proceeds of the  book to his own Foundation
for Parkinson's Disease. <<<

Maybe I'm missing something here but I think this is very exciting. It
will result in a substantial chunk of money going to research and
advocacy now and it will do much to promote awareness in the future
leading to still more research funding.  That's a WIN-WIN-WIN situation.

Hey, I know.  We can all come celebrate at the Parkinson's Unity Walk,
in New York's Central Park, on Sunday, September 24th.  From what I hear
these folks really know how to throw a party.

Sorry about the shameless plug but, seriously, this is wonderful news.

It's awful when bad things happen to good people . . . but it's lovely
when good things happen to good people.  And of course, good people like
to share with their friends.