

There are many places pwp can go for technical articles/information about
the disease Parkinson.  In my opinion it is only by joining PIEN, this list
group, that I felt immediately a feeling of "family" and have found when I
dared  to ask even "embarassing" questions, the "family" was there with
practical, applicable advice.

Most posters were quick to say "in my experience" or "I'm not a doc but
this is what I found out".  These replies gave me the info I needed to keep
going when the going was rough and not even my close friends and family had

The sibling fusses and different opinions remind me of my own family and
make me no less likely to tune in to the information I'd like and to delete
what doesn't interest me.  The subject line and the name of the poster
usually clues me to scan or even delete any posts if I'm pressed for time.

I love the info., the support and even the differences found in the PIEN

Jeanette Fuhr 49/47/44?
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