
Print one knows the cause for pd...but,
we know that neurons are lost in the substantia nigra
a number of reasons may exist for that loss.

i subscribe to multiple hit view
the hits could come from a number of sources--you mention some.

this information about the marines definitely needs looking into.

statistically this group needs a control set for comparison
(assume "normal" marines without the shot)

also, "small sample robust" statistics
can be used to determine significance levels
for a sample of this small size

the next step is to increase sample size and
collect data  to really look at a lot of variables
(including--but, not only--the shot variable)
that could be associated with this problem
and can be used to isolate the "association"
of causes with the effect

then there will be enough to work with for
ANOVA and multiple regression--or whatever are suitable tests

KF Etzold wrote:

> The Quote below appears to imply that that there is a Chemical or
> biological cause for PD. In some sense on would wish it were so! Then one
> could finally find ways to avoid or perhaps even cure the disease. The fact
> is, aside for the immediate effects of MTPT and perhaps a few other
> chemical causes, there are no other direct causative agents.  Trauma to the
> head has been mentioned here a number of times but the evidence is fairly
> weak. Hereditity seems to play a weak role. So, the bottomline is that it
> looks like nobody really knows the cause.

there are a few more actually,
and more causes are added all the time

the MPTP is no longer the only model--
several other chemical models are used
and there are several genetic animal models
          (Wilsons, early onset...)
and actual associated genes--
parkin, alpha-synuclein, wilson...and others
depends on many factors for activating or masking these

> Hello Bill,
> You seem to know your way around statistics so here is some numbers to work
> on.
> I joined a new Young Parkinson's Support Group and there is an  ex-marine
> age
> 32 who is in stage 3 of PD.  He believes that his PD started with an
> Anthrax
> shot he was given.  He told the group that in his room he has a picture of
> his 12 man squad and out of the 12 there are 3 men who have PD and a fourth
> man who died of another neuro disease.
> Three out of twelve.  Are those high odds or what?
> K-F  cg Carline

yes--these odds are high
needs more work, but, maybe thats a lead that needs exploring
getting a researcher interested, that can actually do something,
would be the next step
and then maybe a grant would be necessary to pay someone's salary
for the time and expertise involved

since marines are involved--there should be a way

                    Ray Strand
     mailto:[log in to unmask]
            48/47 dx/40 ?onset
The fight against Parkinson's Disease

...on the edge of the prairie abyss ......................