

Most of the three plus years we have been on the PIEN my husband and I have mostly been lurkers. And as stated before this subject does come up every once in a while. But I feel this once I will give my 2 cents worth! I have to agree with Greg. If it wasn't for this wonderful place to meet with people who have so much in common all our lives would not be so enriched. We have been meeting with Linda and Ed Hermann half way between Buffalo( where they live) and Rochester (our home) 6 or 7 times a year since we met them on the PEIN! Two wonderful people we would never have know had we not been on the service. We also have had the great fortune to start corresponding with
Greg and his wife Diane. And as he stated when they were visiting here we got together with them. We have come along way since my husband was diagnosed over 5 years ago.  Getting to know people not just cold facts we have gotten though hard times with this disease and we have learned to laugh and cry with everyone.
Donna and John 52/46/45
Greg Sterling wrote:

> Peter,
> This List is more than just a source of facts and statistics on PD.  It is a living compilation of PD sufferers and caregivers who rely on each other for support.  It's a cyber-support group.  I recently met one of these cyber-PWP's and his wife in person and was elated to meet another young-onset parkie.  Until then I had only seen pictures of the beast, i.e. Michael J. Fox.  I plan to meet more of them at the PD Unity Walk in NYC next month.  Without this list I don't believe this would have happened.  The area I live in is too small to form a successful support group.  If you want a sterile forum I suggest you go to a library or a hospital for your information.
> Greg
> 47/35/35