


My husband was in an apomorphine study a couple of
years ago.  He eventually used it more as an emergency
fix, when he would he would go off unexpectedly.  It
works very quickly but only lasts about an hour.  The
main drawback is it can cause extreme nausea.  In the
study he took Tigan 3x a day for nausea.  After the
study was over and he continued to use the apomorphine
his doctors took him off the Tigan as they felt it was
worsening his PD symptoms and had him use Domperidone.
It didn't work as well for emergency relief because the
Domperidone was taken as needed and had to be taken
about thirty minutes before the Apo shot.  He
eventually stopped using it because the nausea wasn't
being relieved very well and he said being off was
better than getting as sick as it was making him.  It
is also known to cause hypersexuality in some people,
which for some is a positive but others a negative.

Jan cg Dwayne 55/38