


I know you are right to expose cd or any depression for which it is a
temporary state, or if in cd's case, a condition that can be helped and
resolved but not cured. Unless the brain chemistry can be permanently
altered it is there under control but only with medication and therapy.
I do not argue your position on cd, it is just as you describe to all of
us, a pit of hopelessness, but one that can in most cases be made
livable. For those as JoAnn, who have maybe never experienced deep
depression as cd is, ( I have always felt it even as a child) it is a
condition that they have only a word to describe it. How can you or
anyone make it any different? To see someone who is close to you feel
despondent, it may seem that they are only temporarily *blue* and a fun
day will help that or any good news. You and I and many others know that
does little good and is only a bandaid if any help at all. You also know
that we who are like that are very adept in hiding our inner most
feelings from those whom we care about the most. Women especially, are
prone to cd or general depression because it is thought hormones play a
big part in it. I think that in all cases a sense of balance is needed
between we who know cd so intimately, and others who are trying to make
the best of pd and the day to day cares that their loved ones have for
them. Do you think it is possible to try to make cd what it is, not
anything we want to *celebrate*  to the degree that you and I would
knowing we have it under control? I would wish to spare those others
clinging to their own lives from my past pain and I would suppose you
would also. Maybe we could set aside a day a month to mention it-- to
make it known for those who have considered suicide, as I once did, so
that these ones would know that they are not alone?

*seattle* audrey
friend of pwp aussie John  49/42/38?