

Hi all,

I wonder if the PD is repairable, both in
the marines and army personnel given
vaccinations, as well as those who
were toxically exposed in the Gulf war
end up with genetic damage.

Perhaps there is a gene or  genes
which once damaged, must be
repaired by viral genetic therapy,
in order to restore dopaminergic
neurons to health once again.

I lean strongly towards the
idea that the substantia nigra
cells are not dead, but damaged, in PD,
and can heal.  The most dramatic
example is the GDNF-treated
monkey which Michael and all
the rest  of us saw in the scientists'
briefing at the Forum in Washington.

On 7/27, in the plane on the way home from
my singing performance in San Jose,
an Australian researcher seated next
to me was headed to Harvard, to
give a seminar on the discovery of
a PD-related gene on chromosome 17,
which she called the "tau" gene.

As we circled Providence, RI, talking
about figuring out how to end PD,  we saw the
sun set three times, and then glided down
to Logan airport.  kept thinking, the
answer is genetic, the answer is genetic,
the damage can be repaired, we can be
POP's (people overcoming PD) instead
of PWP's !!

I recommend investing NIH dollars in
the careful examination of  identifying
virally-damaged genes that might be
repaired, to reverse PD and restore
PWP's to health.

Ivan Suzman