

Mary Ann - It is most intersting what you and Chuck wrote about
suicide/depression.  My husband, who had his doctorate, committed
suicide.  There was a tremendous amount of anger and guilt, far more than
when my first husband died of a heart attack.  There is nothing more
humiliating to the ones left behind, then suicide..  Then within two
years, my 24 year old son was murdered by his best friend, who had just
been discharged from the Army on a Section 8.  He had a flashback and
considered my son "the enemy" and executed him.  I decided to join the
Parents of Murdered Children
group, and in fact, spoke to many of the groups in and around Houston.  I
couldn't understand why i wasn't getting over it this time, like the
other two times.  I blamed it on the number of deaths I went through,
also that his was my son and not my husband and
gave many excuses for not recovering.  Then one night I missed a group.,
and planned to be out of town the next meeting, so I didn't have to spend
14 days thinking about my speech and what i was going to contribute in
open discussion.  I realized i felt better.  Then it came to me, that
reliving his death, almost every hour of every day, kept  it fresh in my
 mind and I was reliving it day after day.  I soon quit going to meetings
and in a few weeks I began to come out of it.
I still think of him almost daily, but in a different, more positive way.
 I now dwell on happy, good times rather than his death itself.

This is why I wrote Janet Paterson and asked her to cease  all the talk
about suicide and depression.  The more you dwell on it the
bigger it becomes.  Its like chewing mule meat.  Also, James Allen wrote
in his little book, "As a Man Thinketh", that whatever you think about
the most is what you attract to you (paraphrasing).

I've gone through both suicide and depression, and I want to "Let Go and
Let God", and even though I have a delete button, I am morbidly attracted
to the postings.  I thinks we should "get on with our life" and let the
past bury the past.

Thanks for bringing this up and again, and giving me the opportunity
to vent.  Best wishes, Jo Ann from Houston