

Do a search of "startle reflex" on the internet. Lots of info out there. I
seem to recall that an increased startle reflex is one of the primary
symptoms of an ailment but don't have time to search it out.

> ----------
> From:         davidmeigs[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Hi Bill,
> The dyskensia is another thing though.  This is one of a few things that
> makes me wonder IF PD is the shoe that fits.  I get involuntary movements
> at
> times, and I take no drugs.  These are much worse with stress.  I am not
> really sure if this is "true dyskensya" that I do either.  A loud noise,
> or
> sudden movement makes me "jump".  If I am walking in a parking lot, and a
> car starts, or starts to move, I "jump" like being startled.  Even if I
> see
> it coming.  Someone sitting behind me making noise has the same effect.