

At 09:01 2000/08/08 -0400, mary ann wrote:
>> suicide
>> is a not a failure of the individual
>> but rather of the system
>I've avoided the discussion concerning suicide until now, but
>this is too much.  I'm tired of the new-age philosophy that
>the individual is never at fault, but the system is.  Garbage.
>We are all in control of our own lives - just ask those smokers
>who insist that they have a right to smoke (which, in my opinion,
>is a form of suicide).*Some* people who commit suicide are out
>of control -  but not all. So, to blame a system (albeit, a flawed
>one) for suicides is like blaming the system for people smoking.
>Choices are made by individuals - not systems.

hi mary ann

i agree with virtually all you say here and
have always advocated individuals taking responsibility for their actions

but as i've said before
the dastardly thing about clinical depression
is that it distorts your perceptions and cognition in such a way
that rational choices slide further and further out of reach

the world health organization has declared
clinical depression the most common disability world wide
and it is the most undiagnosed and untreated disability world wide
despite being curable,
and despite having been so for years

and clinical depression is the direct cause of the vast majority of suicides

if someone is blinded temporarily
is it their 'decision' to walk off a cliff:
-if they don't know it's there?
-if there are no guard rails?
-if there are no seeing eye dogs?
-if they are surrounded by a society that overtly and covertly tells them
they are not really blinded they just need to work harder
to open their eyes and pay more attention?

why do we empathize with physical disabilities
and not with mental disabilities?


janet paterson
53 now / 44 dx cd / 43 onset cd / 41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
tel: 613 256 8340 url: ""
email: "[log in to unmask]" smail: PO Box 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0