

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses   67 Deg. F.  sunset -  clear and
dry   :-)
Dear friends in the Parkinson's community:


I am planning to host a fundraising gathering for PD research
on Sunday afternoon, September 24,  2000,  in Portland, Maine,
and would like to link in with the PD Unity Walk in New York City.

I hope to invite dozens of friends and caregivers,
and raise at least $15,000.00  for PD research.  Anyone
reading this message is invited, and you may call me
at Cure-It Productions, 207-797-5785 for information
on travel and accommodation .

My two questions are:

1)  How can $15,000.00 be best used to help
PD research?  It is not a lot , but it might make
a bit difference to a research project either about
to start , or already going on.

2) Where does the Unity Walk money go?
It seems like there are so many possible
recipients. I really wonder what the options
are when one has this $15,000.00 goal in mind.

Sincerely yours,

Ivan  Suzman
