

may i make a radical suggestion?
that the money NOT go to research!
but that it be used
to form the nucleus of a fund
to build
a retirement community for YOPDs!
if they can do it in australia we can do it here.
and it is desperately needed.

some of us shooting our mouths off
 on this list
 we are the ones who will need  it.
the  cure is coming
that is sure
but will it be in time for us/and even if it is,
will it buy back what we have lost
 or arrest the progress of  the disease where it is at ??
 in either case, large number of us
will need assisted living facilities
so let us thank nih for heeding our call,
 and leave the research fund Raising

the hands
of those who are so capably succeeding,
and let us turn our attention to the needs' of the people
the faces behind the mask,
the names we have read,
and the stories we have heard
let us worry about what is going to happen to them, to us,
 and let us dedicate ourselves
                                                   to helping ourselves
not becoming a burden. on others.

hilary blue

Ivan M Suzman wrote:
> ^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
>  Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
>  Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses   67 Deg. F.  sunset -  clear and
> dry   :-)
> ********************************************************************
> Dear friends in the Parkinson's community:
> I am planning to host a fundraising gathering for PD research
> on Sunday afternoon, September 24,  2000,  in Portland, Maine,
> and would like to link in with the PD Unity Walk in New York City.
> I hope to invite dozens of friends and caregivers,
> and raise at least $15,000.00  for PD research.  Anyone
> reading this message is invited, and you may call me
> at Cure-It Productions, 207-797-5785 for information
> on travel and accommodation .
> My two questions are:
> 1)  How can $15,000.00 be best used to help
> PD research?  It is not a lot , but it might make
> a bit difference to a research project either about
> to start , or already going on.
> 2) Where does the Unity Walk money go?
> It seems like there are so many possible
> recipients. I really wonder what the options
> are when one has this $15,000.00 goal in mind.
> Sincerely yours,
> Ivan  Suzman
> :-)
> 50/39/36