

dear janet and charles
        over the years i have had many ups and downs but never thought of
what i found in my case was that even having a large family there were times
i felt as tho i
wasn't really needed.          i decided feeling useless was my cause for
being  gloomy.
i started doing charity work because there were many people needing all
sorts of help
 it is simplistic but knowing i was really needed could always perk me up
when called upon.
for help.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Murray"
> I know this extreme position is not suggested by anything posted on this
> topic by Janet or anyone else, but I will go out on a limb with an
> opinion that the more personal responsibility one accepts as opposed to
> projecting responsibility onto one's HMO, doctor, caregiver, etc., the
> greater the potential for achieving worthwhile life.
> Chuck