

Murray Charters wrote:
> On 7 Aug 2000, at 16:13, Marjorie L. Moorefield wrote:
> > I was just reading the articles
> > on the Presidential hopefuls.  Its very good.
> > I ran across this on Ralph Nader

In my view, Nader is the man who began his long prosperous
career as self-appointed, uncalled, guardian of innocent
consumers with his book "Unsafe At Any Speed" which
trashed the GM Corvair auto, an otherwise commendable
design based on the well-engineered and successful Porsche
and Mercedes-Benz. My own Corvair had its faults, but they
were correctable and had nothing to do with Nader's claim
that bad suspension design caused the Corvair to overturn
more easily than others. The "scientific" data in that
case is typical of dubious statistics all but outright
fraudulent, used by demagogues like Nader to terrify the
ignorant public and promote their personal agenda. From
then I've observed Nader's career with morbid fascination,
as I might observe a beautiful iridescent horsefly sitting
on my potato salad, and must say he's true to form. Cheers,