

Barb, Marjorie, and others -

FWIW, I'm not the Parkie in my family, but when I don't have anything
scheduled that MUST be done, I cheerfully plop down on the couch, either in
the afternoon or evening, and have a nice nap!   It's wonderful to be retired
so I can do that.  It's amazing how much difference a thirty minute nap can
make to my energy level.

 I think you should keep battling that ol' work ethic guilt and tell yourself
you DESERVE that nap!  Also, tell yourself that you'll be far more productive
for the rest of the day if you have just that tiny bit of shut-eye when your
body is crying for it.

Margie (aka Pinky PizzaBuns)

 Thank you SOOOOO much for addressing the issue of "PWP GUILT"
 arising out of resting or napping during conventional "work hours"
 (generally accepted as being from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. but in
 reality, that could go a coupla hours in either direction, and
 into the evening)

 I thought I was the only Parkie burdened by such guilt!  I
 regularly hold long inter-self discussions with my conscience
 trying to justify to myself that the guilt is tied into the
 Judeo-Christian work issue but know in my heart that's really not
 the cause.

 The cause of the fatigue IS Parkinson's (for almost 26 years),
 with the assistance from the assorted drugs we all seem to take.

 So how does one unload the burden of guilt that seems to hit so
 many of us?

 Barb Mallut
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