

I have decided to delete every post dealing with suicide, especially
Janet's.  My Barb has had PD for about twelve years and the disease has
progressed to the point that she is now hallucinating and her invisible
companions are getting too real.  She has also become psychotic and
paranoid, thinking that someone out there is after her family, her
children and me, and also out to get her for being too outspoken.  I
have the kids (these kids are married adults) call her and reassure
her.  I am also afraid she might harm herself, and am inquiring into
more CG help.
Now, I can truly say that  'the honeymoon is over'.  Barb is not doing
well with Seroquel and I've been in touch with the psychiatrist after
several wrenching episodes of high dyskinesia and severe depression.
Zyprexa is likely the next antipsychotic drug we are likely to try.
Neighbors in this senior community are quite helpful but cannot
understand.  This is our struggle and we are not winning.
But I am still sending out bits of humor change the subject.
'Carpe Diem'
I think we did when we could.