

. My
> statements were to address the personal issues that cloud the obvious
> unhappiness that those with cd are emeshed in. It is to help once
> medication has stablized the depression not to cure it anymore than an
> anti-deppressant does. I am sorry if I gave the impression that cd is

Having been involved in advocacy for emotionally impaired children, I've
come in contact with professionals as well as laity who believe that
environmental factors are overwhelmingly responsible for mental illness.
The parents of these kids are made to feel like pariahs because of
accusations that their homes/parenting are to blame for their children's
conditions.  I can remember when the parents of autistic kids were told that
parental rejection was the cause of their children's affliction.  I am
constantly meeting mentally ill folks who look for the key to their mental
illness in some glitch in their up-bringing.

It's time the blame stopped.  Mental illness is a *real* illness caused by
*real* neurophysiological pathology.  As with all physical conditions,
ranging from lumbar pain to coronary artery disease, stress makes the
disease worse.

Audrey, this post is not for your benefit.  I know that you understand the
dynamics of CD.  I'm just venting - 'environmental mental illness' is a
pet-peeve of mine.
God bless
Mary Ann