

Though it was intended for me, it was open to all, and I read it again
and the only thing I could think to help you is to hold you tight as if
to protect you from further pain.  This list is most certainly one of
richest in support and friends.  Just ignore Janet....
with love

jo ann coen wrote:

> Peter Dawkins - Please don't read anymore of Janet's posting regarding
> depression and suicide.  The lady is a sick, sick woman and she is
> inflicting it upon us.  I went into a deep, deep depression after her 3rd day of many days postings, because I have experienced suicide from my
> husband, and my son was murdered.
> So it is easy to fall back into that pit.  Please delete her as soon as
> you see it.  She used to post such informative things that I delighted in reading her, but although I'm not a doctor, it seems to me she has become demented. Thank God for my PWP who is very understanding, and who listened to me cry and rant and rave.  He is the one who encouraged me to realize that she is not a well person, mentally.  Best wishes to you and yours, Jo Ann