

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 02:38:53 -0400 Michel Margosis <[log in to unmask]>
> The overwhelming response to my outcry should keep me warm and fuzzy
> for
> quite a while.

  > Tasmar had helped in
> increasing the time window from 2.5 hrs to 4-5 hrs. but she could
> not afford
> the risk and the loss of weight from biweekly blood sample.
> Michel Margosis
> 'Carpe Diem'

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses           deg. F   :-)

  I have a suggestion about  the frequency of blood testing for
 elevated liver enzymes.  Why not replace the
BI-WEEEKLY blood tests for Barbara with once every few months?

My blood enzymes are LOWER than average on Tasmar.  If Barbara's
are not elevated, then surely the blood testing, as most physicians know,
can be spaced out. Some patients are now told to have the blood tests
done  as infrequently as once every six months to a year.

 Michel, why not  ask  Dr. Sigmund  if the frequency  of wht you call
"blood-letting" can be reduced, ESPECIALLY if the loss of blood has
reprecussions that almost sound dangerous  to us!!

 I have been using Tasmar for 2 years, and am just now titrating
 up to 300 mg/24 hr. day from 250 mg/24 hr. day/

My neurologist signed a physician's release which opted out of
blood testing  every six weeks, long ago.

Take care and  bless you both, and

Feeling rather willful..forgive me if I am sounding bold-I'm
just angry that your dear wife is being bloodtested so OFTEN!!
