

On Sun, 13 Aug 2000 11:48:55 -0700 Constance Tate <[log in to unmask]>
> hi
>   i am having a problem with jacks condition. (CUT)

>(CONTINUED FROM ABOVE)     right now jack has
> seen our local dr. who agreed that he was not
> improved and wants him to
>  go for physical therapy again. right now he is taking
>          8 am       comptan     sinemet cr 50/200    1 senna
>       12 noon    sinemet 50/200    sinemet 25/100 1senna
>        4 pm        comtan  proscar   25/100   [our own dr. suggested
> dropping 50/200 and adding
>    the comptan instead]
>       8pm  sinemet 50/200 and 2 senna
> my question is how do i tell if he is over or under medicated. he is
> more
> confused and is too
> tired to do exercises or anything i suggest.
>   would appreciate any input or suggestions. at this time he does
> not want
> to see neuro or
> any  another neurologist.
>     our own dr. is happy to read my printouts and we have confidence
> in her.
>  connie

Dear Connie,
For me, undermedicated (which can also mean correctly
medicated, but  my body and mind are underresponding}
causes me to be VERY sore, stiff, muscle cramps, cold, can
not react, no mental energy, difficulty expressing my thoughts
in words, exhausted, feeling vulnerable, no energy,and at
night,  deep paralysis, "frozen", fearful, and lost voice volume.
Bradykinesia (slowness of movement) also fits in here.

For me, overmdedicated (which can also mean correctly
medicated, but my body and mind are overresponsive)
causese me to be VERY warm, or sweaty, excess motion in
the hips and  backbone (Michael J. Fox looks like this), flushed,
walk with a wiggle, mind races, eyelids heavy and reddened,
 hyper, overconfident, and sometimes aroused, awkward,
unavoidable spastic or spasmodic jerky movement s (choreas?)
of the limbs or head.  Dyskinesia (abnormal movement that
is quite noticeable) falls in here somewhere.

Does this help?

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        50/39/36       [log in to unmask]      :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses      66 rainy , very humid
deg. F   :-)