

At 04:29 2000/08/17 EDT, Janet Quist <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>How about a watch with a timer on it? It has to be programemed
>on a computer but i could not live without mine! If you are
interested, let me know. Jan Q. 51/47/45?

hi jan

what an interesting coincidence in re your name!
we have a member from sweden whose name is john quist
and the name janet is the female version of the name john!
and you are the only only janet on this list at the moment.
jaNETs unite!

i am interested in your watch with a timer.
i have been looking for a suitable one for a long time.
i need one that i can program to go off every 90 minutes or so
without any fussing as to having to re-set the alarm time each time.
is this how yours works?


janet paterson
53 now / 44 dx cd / 43 onset cd / 41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
tel: 613 256 8340 url: ""
email: [log in to unmask] smail: POBox 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada