

At our recent Parky Support group meeting we were each asked to offer one
piece of advice which helped allay our condition. This guy gets up (we are
all sitting having an evening meal in a restaraunt) takes his shoe and sock
off and puts his foot on the table. He is wearing one of these devices in
cute leprechaun green..... and the tale he told was exactly like the
affirmations on the web site. He says it works and he passed one around for
us to look at. He even said that after he has worn it for a week, he can
leave it off for several weeks before the cramps come back, but the relief
is very quick when he puts it back on.
I don't have cramps, well not so it stops me dead, but when the time comes,
I'll give this a go before I add another chemical to the daily intake. As I
said to David Meigs, it is such a simple device to make, it should only cost
a few cents for material, what have you got to lose by trying.
I really hope it helps
Alf, Adelaide