

I'm always amazed when I survive one of those things
without going screaming down the street!!!
My neighbor drove me down there and we arrived early,
so they took me in early , I didn't have time to get
too nervous. If you can imagine laying perfectly still
for 5.5 minutes, no tremors ,or it will ruin things, then
wait a few minutes and begin again.  I only had to
have that done 3 times today since it was just on my neck.
They played Classical music for me, but the MRI sounds
like Gene Krupa playing the drums from the other speaker.
I finally got to counting the drumbeats to keep from screaming!!
Anyway, I'm certainly glad its over!!

It will be a week before the Neurologist receives my
report so in the meantime Tylenol and I are going
pretty steady!!

Thanks to all of you for your hugs, on and off the list,
they helped a lot!

just me,