

Kees Paap Wrote:

>Although I live in the US I am not allowed to vote, so I am following this
>from the sideline.
>I have a question/suggestion : Is Parkinson the only important subject to
>look at for the elections ? Or are subjects as Christianity,  Criminality
>and Humanity also important for a  pwp:)??

Kees,  I can tell that integrity is very important to you.  I hate politics.
Over the years I have seen Politicians "sell out" there values for votes.  I
have also seen voters "sell out" there values for  one or two "special
intrest" issues.  I have some personal friends (namless) who are a senitor,
congressman, etc...   Some do have integrity, and some have turned out to be
bald face liars.  I have great respect for people of character.  There are
good and bad on BOTH sides.  Examples of Politicians with great humanity &
integrity would be Jimmy Carter for the Democrats, and Abraham Linclon for
the republicans, to name only two.

You have nailed it on the head.  We with the privilege to vote need to
struggle to understand the issues, and define our principals before we cast
a vote.  We have a special duty for the sake of our generations to come.

David Meigs  aka: Pappy
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