

hi all

At 12:24 2000/08/20 -0400, camilla wrote:
>Janet's question about John Argue comes as I was about to post this
>brief "review" I wrote about his book, a copy of which was sent to me
>by Kasey Pfaff.  Perhaps it will be helpful?
>>Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 07:06:57 -0400
>>From: janet paterson <<[log in to unmask]>
>>Subject: john argue
>>hi all
>>has anyone attended movement and/or voice classes
>>with john argue in california?
>>any opinions?    janet
>  #   #   #   #   #
>This is not your typical "exercise book" by any means.   John Argue
>obviously knows his subjects--PD and exercise-- in great depth, and
>conveys this to the reader by means of text and photos.
>His unique approach is philosophic - as when he tells us that we must
>"shift to an artful action--one that is graceful, mindful, and
>complete, " in order to cope with PD symptoms - to "speak and move
>He also gives practical advice, reminding us that it is  truly
>a case of "use it or lose it" in terms of  mobility for PWPs,  but also
>that even one who is in a later stage of PD can participate within
>her/his own limits in the program he describes.  While the program can
>be followed individually, it seems obvious that the greatest benefit is
>in following it with a group.
>That program is a detailed, graduated approach to maintaining and
>improving mobility  of body and  quality of speech.   The excellent
>photos which accompany the text of the exercise portion are clear and
>easy to follow, while the text is readable, interesting, and
>For a PWP who is motivated to make the sustained effort required, and
>has a positive attitude toward exercise of any kind, this would be a
>very valuable resource.  Unfortunately, not all PWPs are blessed with
>such motivation, and the very completeness of the program may for them
>be "off-putting".
>There is a useful appendix, with resources, additional reading, and a
>note about the importance of political advocacy.  Argue wisely reminds
>us that PWPs must plan to keep exercising "for the rest of your
>life".....adding, "Always be beginning".
>Camilla Hewson Flintermann, co-owner of the CARE
>list for Caregivers of People With Parkinsons disease.

hi camilla

coincidences are piling up again!
i just discovered that john argue has a website primarily about his book
and i was curious about it since i had never heard of it
and here you come along with a review!

his website is:

Parkinson's Disease & the Art of Moving


just popped out of my cave for a minute
going back in now...

janet paterson
53 now / 44 dx cd / 43 onset cd / 41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
tel: 613 256 8340 url: ""
email: [log in to unmask] smail: POBox 171 Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada