

Nancy S. and All.

A coupla months ago and running for a period of about a month
there were radio and newspaper advertisements in the Greater Los
Angeles Metropolitan Area (which encompasses umpty trillion
people) originating from one of large drug testing companies.
They were looking for test subjects for PD related transdermal
patches, which I presumed (from the wording of the ads) to have
been Sinemet.

In making their plea for test subjects, two things popped stuck in
my min:

1.   It was specifically mentioned that this was a the SECOND
human testing, i.e., as in they were well past the monkey-testing
stage of the tests, and:

2.  I was surprised to note that while vertually every time I've
heard company advertising for test subjects, no matter what the
disease or condition there is ALWAYS some sort of stipend for the
test subject --- from around $250 all the way up to $850 for
taking part in the testing.

There wasn't so much as one thin dime offered for the those
Parkies who might be a test subject for the transdermal patch
being tested.  I couldn't help but wonder if those PWPs who appled
are soooo desperate for PD symptem
that they'd not only partcipate in being ginea pigs, but would do
it for FREE!

Sorry, but I don't recall which company was doing the testing.

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----

From: Nancy Spires <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000 10:36 PM
Subject: sinemet patch

>does  anyone know   anything about   patch?  where, when,  how.
nancy spires