

For the record, my toes on my left foot (weak side) are and have been curled so
tightly that I  have permanent callouses on the tips of each toe.  The right
foot also curls but not as bad.  I always wear sandals  with adjustable straps,
when  I wear shoes at all.


KF Etzold wrote:
Carline, my PWP has problems with her feet. On her right foot the big toe

> curls and pushes to left so that the next toe is actually pushed up and out
> of the way resting on top of the foot so to speak. So we went to see a foot
> doctor today. He said that the tendons of the big toe have shortened and
> this is the cause of the misaligned toe.
> He also mentioned something that I did not know which is that the tendons
> of the foot and leg tend to shorten in Parkinson's disease.
> So Hammer toes  and other distortions of the foot can occur.
> K-F Etzold cg Carline
> I