

This is my first message to the list.  Just want to report that the toes on my
left foot have been curling for at least 4 years. I have had PD for about 12
years.  I find that I kick my left shoe off a lot.[It is my left side that is
affected so far] I am always more comfortable bare footed since having PD. and
my balance is better too.. I am getting a corn on the end of my middle toe from
the way I walk. My podiatrist says that the PD causes the curling.-----I enjoy
reading your messages.
   Thanks.   Aileen L.

"C. Y. Thomas" wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Aug 2000 12:50:11 EDT, Sid Levin <[log in to unmask]>:
> >I've noticed curled toes. They make it harder for me to get shoes that fit.
> >Four Neurologists and my Internist each told me that they did not think it
> >was due to P-D.Sounds like your foot doctor is more aware and awake.
> >How many others have a curled toe syndrome? Let's hear from you so we can
> >tell Abe Lieberman at NPF.
> >Sid Levin
> My wife's toes also curl.  In her case, her biggest problem is that
> she says that the floor is slick and she has difficult  in walking,
> across a carpet especially.