

<<The 83 year old lady, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida,
who was hit by another car,and sent on a flying
leap off I-595 the other night?  I'm sure everyone in the
world has heard about her by now,>>

I am in the middle of Mexico & have been without a TV for
 weeks, do not get English on my radio, and must go looking
 for an English newspaper.  Yesterday I found a newspaper that
was only a day old.  Also, I have been trying to get onto a local
ISP.  This has taken four days, and is still not right.  I REALLY
miss the USA and all it's luxuries and conveniences.  (first time in
 30 +yrs without dishwasher or disposal.)  Some days I
get really low .. .BUT, I  have found a pwp friend, and we hope to get
a group together.  I'm glad to have this communication, but I had not
 heard about the lady in Florida.

Just to let all of you know how important you are to other pwp.  And,
Marjorie,  I hope that your neck will improve soon.

Nancy V